Gallery Highlights
Find Tharros
This digital exhibition reveals the riches of the archaeological site of Tharros in Western Sardinia. It has fresh photography of the site’s buildings and roads from the Bronze Age, Punic phase, Ancient Roman times, and the Christian era. These aerial photographs and landscape views are complemented by a focus on objects that were found in Tharros and now are held in museums in Sardinia and abroad.
This online exploration of Tharros was designed by Columbia University’s Italian Academy for Advanced Studies as part of the Sardinia Cultural Heritage Project within the Italian Academy’s International Observatory for Cultural Heritage. The Sardinia Project is sponsored by the Autonomous Region of Sardinia.
This digital exhibition (as well as the original gallery show in the Academy's entry hall and the roundtable discussion on Tharros) and a previous digital presentation on the giant statues of Mont'e Prama and book on the same subject benefitted from the collaboration of the Mont’e Prama Foundation.
Barbara Faedda
Paolo Carta
Abigail Asher
Mick Schommer
Aliza Ashraf
Kathleen Cagnina
We are grateful to the Autonomous Region of Sardinia / Regione Autonoma della Sardegna for its financial support, and to the Mont’e Prama Foundation / Fondazione Mont’e Prama for its valuable collaboration.
Thanks to the participants in the Academy’s initiatives on Tharros: Nadia Canu, Francesco de Angelis, Carla Del Vais, Steven Ellis, Anna Chiara Fariselli, Peter van Dommelen, and Raimondo Zucca.
Important assistance came from Nicoledda Camedda, Ilaria Orri, and Francesca Sotgiu (all from the Peninsula of Sinis Cooperative / Mont’e Prama Foundation).
The British Museum and Louvre Museum courteously permitted the use of their photos.
We are grateful to the photographers Nicola Castangia and Valentino Selis.
Special thanks are due to Director David Freedberg and the full staff of the Italian Academy, without whom this exhibition and related events would not be possible.
Photo credits: Bracelet and ring: © The Trustees of the British Museum. • Lead ingot and urns and ceramic fragment: Archive of the Mont’e Prama Foundation; photo: Nicola Castangia. Giovanni Marongiu Civic Museum of Cabras. • Aerial view of peninsula: Mont’e Prama Foundation; photo: Valentino Selis. • All other images: Archive of the Mont’e Prama Foundation; photo: Nicola Castangia.